We found 10 episodes of Defending Employers with the tag “defenses”.
Episode 76: New Jersey Defense Overview: Notice, Statute of Limitations, and Others
May 28th, 2018 | 18 mins 36 secs
defenses, greg lois, lois law firm llc
Attorney Greg Lois presents a webinar on "common defenses" in New Jersey.
Episode 73: Is the Petitioner an Employee? The Defense of Non-Employment in New Jersey
April 23rd, 2018 | 21 mins 42 secs
defenses, lois llc, new jersey, workers' compensation
Attorneys Karen Vincent and Chris Diaz of the Lois Law Firm present a webinar on the defense of "lack of employment" in New Jersey workers' compensation claims.
Episode 46: Overview of Defenses in New York Workers' Compensation Cases
May 15th, 2017 | 29 mins 26 secs
defenses, lois llc, new york workers' compensation law, webinar audio
Attorneys Tim Kane and Greg Lois cover the fundamentals on challenging the the basic presumptions relied upon by the claimant in establishing their case, disputing new “consequential” body parts, and raising all applicable defense. We discuss some little used (but available) defenses, such as the intoxication defense. At the end of the presentation attendees will have a basic understanding of various common defenses under the New York Workers’ Compensation Law.
Episode 45: Is the Petitioner an Employee? The Defense of No Employment in New Jersey
April 24th, 2017 | 20 mins 1 sec
defenses, lack of employment, lois llc, new jersey, workers' compensation
Here is the post-webinar audio from our most recent presentation, “Is the Petitioner an Employee?" from our New Jersey workers' compensation webinar training series.
Episode 44: Is the Claimant an Employee? The Defense of Lack of Employment in New York
April 17th, 2017 | 23 mins 9 secs
defenses, lack of employment, lois llc, new york workers' compensation, webinar
Attorney Greg Lois leads a discussion on the defense of Lack of Employment in New York workers' compensation cases.
Episode 23: Lost Time Benefits in New Jersey - When to pay and defenses.
July 25th, 2016 | 20 mins 54 secs
defenses, lois llc, maximum medical improvement, mmi, new jersey, temporary disability, workers’ compensation law
When must I pay temporary disability benefits in New Jersey? How much should I pay? When can I discontinue paying? Three attorneys (Joe Jones, Michael Gervolino,and Greg Lois) have a discussion about New Jersey's temporary disability benefit.
Episode 21: Off-premise Injuries in New Jersey - The Going-and-Coming Defense
June 27th, 2016 | 25 mins 45 secs
defenses, lois llc, new jersey, parking lots, special mission, travel time, workers’ compensation law
Attorney Greg Lois discusses the legal defenses and practical claims handling considerations when an injury occurs off-premises.
Episode 19: Common Defenses in New Jersey Workers' Compensation
May 23rd, 2016 | 28 mins 45 secs
defenses, intoxication, jurisdiction, lois llc, new jersey, notice, workers’ compensation law
Attorney Joe Jones and attorney Michael Gervolino explore the most commonly-used defenses in New Jersey workers' compensation law, including lack of jurisdiction, lack of notice, intoxication, and "no accident."
Episode 18: Most Common Defenses to Workers' Compensation in New York
May 16th, 2016 | 23 mins 27 secs
defenses, intoxication, jurisdiction, lois llc, new york, notice, statute of limitations, workers' compensation
Two Lois LLC Attorneys discuss the common defenses raised in opposition to New York workers' compensation claims.
Episode 16: Is the Petitioner an Employee? New Jersey Workers' Compensation Law Analysis
April 25th, 2016 | 21 mins 43 secs
defenses, employee-employer, new jersey, uninsured employer's fund, workers’ compensation law
In New Jersey, it's not always easy to determine if an injured worker was actually the employee of the insured. Attorneys Joe Jones and Michael Tomasino tackle this topic.