Defending Employers

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

348 episodes of Defending Employers since the first episode, which aired on September 21st, 2015.

  • Episode 216: Evaluating Cases for Permanency Exposure

    November 15th, 2021  |  30 mins 59 secs
    defense attorneys, lois law firm, new jersey, new york, workers' compensation

    Greg Lois leads a discussion and answers questions on evaluating claims for permanency exposure in New York. We will focus on the recent case law and practical advice on how to minimize the employer’s exposure in Loss of Wage Earning Capacity awards.

  • Episode 215: Suing Public Entities in New York and New Jersey

    November 8th, 2021  |  19 mins 19 secs
    defense attorneys, lois law firm, new jersey, new york, workers' compensation
  • Episode 214: Evaluating Exposure in Catastrophic Construction Losses

    November 1st, 2021  |  38 mins 36 secs
    defense attorneys, lois law firm, new jersey, new york, workers' compensation

    In this episode, “Evaluating Exposure in Catastrophic Construction Losses,” Tashia Rasul, partner at Lois Law Firm, explains how an experienced defense litigator evaluates catastrophic construction accident claims to provide accurate estimates of exposure throughout the lifecycle of the litigated case.

  • Episode 213: Understand New Jersey's New "Preference Law"

    October 25th, 2021  |  28 mins 38 secs
    defense attorneys, lois law firm, new jersey, new york, workers' compensation

    On September 30, 2021, Governor Phil Murphy signed into law Assembly Bill A2617, which provides as follows:

    Following a work-related injury, an employer shall provide a hiring preference to an employee who has reached maximum medical improvement (MMI) and is unable to return to the position at which the employee was previously employed for any existing, unfilled position offered by the employer for which the employee can perform the essential functions of the position.

    In this episode, Greg Lois discusses the impact of this new law on New Jersey employers.

  • Episode 212: Navigating Section 32 Settlements in New York

    October 18th, 2021  |  24 mins 20 secs
    defense attorneys, lois law firm, new jersey, new york, workers' compensation

    Greg Lois and Christian Sison discuss the guidance from the Board regarding general releases in Section 32 settlements in New York Workers’ Compensation claims.

  • Episode 211: Starting Early – Investigating and Preserving Subrogation Opportunities

    October 12th, 2021  |  18 mins 24 secs
    defense attorneys, lois law firm, new jersey, new york, workers' compensation

    Christopher Major of the Lois Law Firm, leads a presentation and discussion on the early identification and protection of risk transfer opportunities in workers’ compensation claims.

  • Episode 210: Litigating Insurance Coverage Disputes in Construction Cases

    October 5th, 2021  |  21 mins 27 secs
    defense attorneys, lois law firm, new jersey, new york, workers' compensation

    In this episode, Tashia Rasul discusses insurance coverage in construction cases. Among the topics discussed are: Who is covered in a Wrap-Up policy? What is an "enrolled" contractor and why does it matter?
    What is covered in a wrap-up policy? Why is project definition and "phasing" important?
    An overview of common issues that arise from a construction policy dispute.
    This audio is taken from a live presentation recorded Monday, October 4, 2021.

  • Episode 209: Expert Witness

    September 27th, 2021  |  32 mins 18 secs
    defense attorneys, lois law firm, new jersey, new york, workers' compensation

    Attorney Greg Lois leads a presentation and discussion on practical aspects and legal procedure for obtaining an expert opinion in a New Jersey workers' compensation claim.

  • Episode 208: IMEs versus Record Reviews in New York

    September 20th, 2021  |  32 mins 58 secs
    defense attorneys, lois law firm, new jersey, new york, workers' compensation

    Greg Lois leads a discussion and answers questions on the best use of independent medical evaluations in New York.

  • Episode 207: Leveraging a Third-Party Action in a Workers’ Compensation Claim

    September 13th, 2021  |  20 mins 39 secs
    defense attorneys, lois law firm, new jersey, new york, workers' compensation

    Christopher Major of the Lois Law Firm, leads a presentation and discussion on how the strategic risk professional will increase their bargaining power in resolving a workers’ compensation action when a claimant has a civil action pending against an actual tortfeasor.

  • Episode 206: Global Settlements

    September 7th, 2021  |  26 mins 3 secs
    defense attorneys, lois law firm, new jersey, new york, workers' compensation

    Tashia Rasul, partner at Lois Law Firm, explores the advantages of resolving the general liability and workers’ compensation cases at the same time. Further, defense counsel representing general litigation defendant and workers’ compensation claim should be brought together at the time the arbitration, mediation, or other settlement opportunity arises.

  • Episode 205: Defending Motions for Med & Temp in New Jersey Workers' Compensation Cases

    August 23rd, 2021  |  40 mins 16 secs
    defense attorneys, lois law firm, new jersey, new york, workers' compensation

    Unless you defend Motions for Medical and Temporary Disability Benefits in New Jersey aggressively and successfully you will be exposed for higher medical costs and significant legal fees payable to Petitioner's counsel. In this episode, Greg Lois discusses best practices for defending Motions for Med & Temp and provide answers to common questions.

    Topics discussed:
    An overview of what types of medical care are required under the New Jersey Workers' Compensation Act;
    How to reduce costs of care by directing treatment and using networks;
    What happens when a Petitioner is successful on a Motion for Med & temp and how attorneys' fees are calculated;
    Strategies to control exposure for Petitioner's attorneys' fee costs in Motions for Med & Temp;
    An overview of the parts of a basic motion for Med & Temp and what the Petitioner is required to prove in order to be successful;
    The courtroom procedure and timing for defending these Motions;
    The differenced between and "Emergent" and "Standard" Motion for Med & Temp;
    Best practices for Risk Professionals and Attorneys defending these claims.

    This audio is from a live webinar provided to clients on August 23, 2021.