Defending Employers

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

348 episodes of Defending Employers since the first episode, which aired on September 21st, 2015.

  • Episode 48: Which Defense Applies? Overview of Common Defenses in New Jersey

    May 22nd, 2017  |  20 mins 54 secs
    defense, lois llc, new jersey, workers' compensation

    Attorneys Karen Vincent and Michael Gervolino discuss the application of various defenses in New Jersey Workers' Compensation cases. Among the defenses discussed are the intoxication defense, the defense of intentional self-harm, and idiopathic loss. This is the post-webinar audio from our recent presentation, “Common Defenses in New Jersey" from our workers' compensation webinar training series, which was presented live on May 22, 2017.

  • Episode 47: Impact of 2017 Reform on New York Workers' Compensation

    May 17th, 2017  |  21 mins 41 secs
    legislative reform, lois llc, new york, workers' compensation

    The New York Workers’ Compensation Law was changed on April 10, 2017. Lois LLC held a webinar for clients and guests on how the statutory changes will affect employers, carriers, and self insureds in New York.

    Attorney Greg Lois covers the fundamentals and at the end of the presentation, the attendees will have a basic understanding of changes in the new law and how this will affect the handling of New York workers’ compensation cases.

  • Episode 46: Overview of Defenses in New York Workers' Compensation Cases

    May 15th, 2017  |  29 mins 26 secs
    defenses, lois llc, new york workers' compensation law, webinar audio

    Attorneys Tim Kane and Greg Lois cover the fundamentals on challenging the the basic presumptions relied upon by the claimant in establishing their case, disputing new “consequential” body parts, and raising all applicable defense. We discuss some little used (but available) defenses, such as the intoxication defense. At the end of the presentation attendees will have a basic understanding of various common defenses under the New York Workers’ Compensation Law.

  • Episode 45: Is the Petitioner an Employee? The Defense of No Employment in New Jersey

    April 24th, 2017  |  20 mins 1 sec
    defenses, lack of employment, lois llc, new jersey, workers' compensation

    Here is the post-webinar audio from our most recent presentation, “Is the Petitioner an Employee?" from our New Jersey workers' compensation webinar training series.

  • Episode 44: Is the Claimant an Employee? The Defense of Lack of Employment in New York

    April 17th, 2017  |  23 mins 9 secs
    defenses, lack of employment, lois llc, new york workers' compensation, webinar

    Attorney Greg Lois leads a discussion on the defense of Lack of Employment in New York workers' compensation cases.

  • Episode 43: Legislative Update - New York Workers' Compensation Law Changes

    April 12th, 2017  |  45 mins 9 secs
    legislative update, lois llc, new york workers' compensation law, webinar audio

    The New York Workers’ Compensation Law was changed on April 10, 2017. Lois LLC held a webinar for clients and guests on how the statutory changes will affect employers, carriers, and self insureds in New York.

    Attorney Greg Lois covers the fundamentals and at the end of the presentation, the attendees will have a basic understanding of changes in the new law and how this will affect the handling of New York workers’ compensation cases.

  • Episode 42: The Second Injury Fund in New Jersey Workers' Compensation Practice

    March 28th, 2017  |  22 mins 59 secs
    lois llc, new jersey, second injury fund, workers' compensation law

    Audio from the March 27, 2017 webinar presentation on New jersey's Second Injury Fund. Topics discussed include: “What is New Jersey’s Second Injury Fund?” “How does the Fund work?” “Can I get relief from the Fund in my total disability case?” and “How does the contribution of the Fund reduce my exposure?” Attorneys Greg Lois and Michael Gervolino cover the basics of handling cases involving the Second Injury Fund and at the end of the presentation, the attendees will have a basic understanding of what the Fund is, how it works, and how contribution from the Fund may reduce exposure in a total disability case.

  • Episode 41: In Depth: New Loss Handling in New York

    March 24th, 2017  |  15 mins
    defense attorneys, lois law firm, new jersey, new york, workers' compensation

    We go deep on the New York State-required initial contacts to the petitioner/claimant.

  • Episode 40: Penalties and No Coverage Exposure in New York Workers' Compensation Claims

    March 20th, 2017  |  16 mins 7 secs
    lois llc, new york workers' compensation law, penalties, webinar audio

    The New York Workers’ Compensation Board collects $3 Million per year in procedural penalties alone. This is a staggering figure - amounting to approximately $300 in penalty for each new case accepted by the WCB. New York is a form-driven jurisdiction, and most common penalties arise from the late filing of required boilerplate forms.

  • Episode 39: Re-Openers and Appeals in New Jersey Workers' Compensation Claims

    February 27th, 2017  |  14 mins 25 secs
    appeals, lois llc, post trial practice, re-openers

    Attorney Greg Lois presents an overview of post-trial practice in New Jersey. The presentation is designed to help the listener answer the following questions: “What happens after a trial judgment or settlement is reached?” and “Can the Petitioner reopen the case?” and “Can the Respondent reopen the case?”“What is a commutation?” and “Can the Judge of Compensation be appealed?” Greg Lois will cover the basics of case closures and at at the end of the presentation, the attendees will have a basic understanding of what happens after judgment or settlement.

  • Episode 38: Appeals of Board Decisions in New York Workers' Compensation Cases

    February 20th, 2017  |  16 mins 6 secs
    appeals, appellate, lois llc, new york workers' compensation law, section 23

    Two attorneys cover the fundamentals of appeals from Board decisions. Presenters Declan Gourley and Joseph Melchionne have years of experience representing employers and carriers before the Board. The presentation is designed to help the listener answer the following questions:
    “Should we appeal the Law Judge’s Decision in a workers’ compensation claim?” and
    “Does filing the appeal create a stay?” and
    “What are the tactical reasons for appealing the Law Judge?”
    “What will the appeal cost?”
    At the end of the presentation, the attendees will have a basic understanding of the appeals process, tactical aspects of appeals (stays), and the costs of the various types of appeals available.

  • Episode 37: Red Flags in New Jersey Section 20 Settlements: Medicare Secondary Payer Issues

    January 23rd, 2017  |  29 mins 28 secs
    conditional payments, lois llc, lump sum dismissal, medicare secondary payer, section 20, workers' compensation

    Audio from the recent presentation, “Medicare Secondary Payer Issues in New Jersey Workers’ Compensation Claims” from our New Jersey workers’ compensation webinar training series. AttorneyGreg Lois discusses Medicare Secondary Payer exposure and how it effects the settlement via Section 20 in New Jersey workers compensation matters.