Episode Archive
348 episodes of Defending Employers since the first episode, which aired on September 21st, 2015.
Episode 180: Appeals & Post-Trial Practice in New York Workers' Compensation Cases
February 17th, 2021 | 19 mins 54 secs
defense attorneys, lois law firm, new jersey, new york, workers' compensation
In this episode, Greg Lois provides and overview and answers questions about appeals in New York Workers' Compensation claims. This audio is taken from a live webinar provided to clients on February 16, 2021.
Episode 179: Defending HIMP-1 Claims in New York
February 9th, 2021 | 35 mins 33 secs
defense attorneys, health insurance matching program, himp-1, lois law firm, new jersey, new york, workers' compensation
In this episode, Attorney Christopher Major provides an overview and answers questions about defending HIMP-1 (Health Insurance Matching Program) claims in New York. This audio is from a live presentation on February 8, 2021.
Episode 178: Overview of Construction Accident Litigation in New York
February 1st, 2021 | 23 mins 2 secs
ccip, construction defense, defense attorneys, lois law firm, new jersey, new york, ocip, workers' compensation
In this episode, Tashia Rasul, Partner at Lois Law Firm and Construction Defense Team Leader, discusses the patchwork of numerous sources of law which form the basis for construction accident claims in New York. Examining these topics from the perspective of the builder or owner of a construction project, Tashia will provide an overview of the relevant New York common laws and statutory Labor Laws that impose duties and obligations on builders and owners and govern the civil claims that plaintiffs file.
Episode 177: New Jersey Workers' Compensation year in Review
January 25th, 2021 | 29 mins 59 secs
defense attorneys, lois law firm, new jersey, new york, workers' compensation
In this episode Greg Lois talks about the pivotal statutory changes and case law decisions that impact case defense in 2021 and beyond! Recorded live on January 25, 2021 during client training.
Episode 176: New York Workers' Compensation Year in Review (January 2021)
January 19th, 2021 | 28 mins 56 secs
defense attorneys, lois law firm, new jersey, new york, workers' compensation
In this episode, we look back at the year in New York workers' compensation, talking about trends, cases, and what we expect to impact claims defense in 2021!
Episode 175: New York Loss Transfer in Ridesharing and Transportation Network Cases
January 12th, 2021 | 28 mins 47 secs
defense attorneys, lois law firm, new jersey, new york, workers' compensation
In this episode, “New York Loss Transfer in Ridesharing and Transportation Network Cases" Christopher Major provides an overview of recover options for carriers in these types of cases. This audio is from a live presentation on January 11, 2021.
Episode 174: Goals of Multijurisdictional Litigation Coordination
January 5th, 2021 | 21 mins 45 secs
construction defense, defense attorneys, lois law firm, new jersey, new york, workers' compensation
Tashia Rasul, partner at Lois Law Firm and Construction Defense Team Leader starts off 2021 by looking at the goals of construction clients in coordinating the defense litigation involving the same plaintiff/claimant in multiple jurisdictions.
Episode 173: Defending Medical Provider Claims In New Jersey
December 28th, 2020 | 18 mins 52 secs
defense attorneys, lois law firm, new jersey, new york, workers' compensation
Greg Lois discusses the latest development in Medical Provider Application for Payment Claims in New Jersey workers’ compensation court.
Episode 172: The Importance of Risk Transfer in New York Workers' Compensation Cases
December 22nd, 2020 | 27 mins 13 secs
defense attorneys, lois law firm, new jersey, new york, workers' compensation
Greg Lois talks about reimbursement and subrogation as means to reduce exposure in New York Workers’ Compensation claims.
Episode 171: Year in Review: New York and New Jersey Civil Litigation
December 15th, 2020 | 22 mins 31 secs
defense attorneys, lois law firm, new jersey, new york, workers' compensation
In this episode, “Year End Review : New York and New Jersey Civil Litigation" attorney Christopher Major provides an overview of the new case law developments that impact New York and New Jersey civil actions. This audio is from a live presentation on December 14, 2020.
Episode 170: Construction Claims in 2020: Trends, Takeaways & Notable Decisions
December 7th, 2020 | 29 mins 15 secs
defense attorneys, lois law firm, new jersey, new york, workers' compensation
Tashia Rasul, partner at Lois Law Firm and Construction Defense Team Leader looks at the important cases and trends that impacted the defense of construction claims in 2020.
Episode 169: Evaluating Claims for Permanency Exposure in New Jersey
November 23rd, 2020 | 26 mins 18 secs
defense attorneys, lois law firm, new jersey, new york, workers' compensation
Greg Lois provides an overview and answers questions about how attorneys value exposure in New Jersey cases.