Defending Employers

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

348 episodes of Defending Employers since the first episode, which aired on September 21st, 2015.

  • Episode 84: Virtual Hearings go live in Hauppauge

    August 13th, 2018  |  15 mins 1 sec
    defense attorneys, lois law firm, new jersey, new york, workers' compensation

    New York is replacing in-person hearings in the Hauppauge hearing point with "Virtual Hearings" held via web conference. LOIS is holding a webinar to discuss what this means for claims handling, claim defense, and costs.

  • Episode 83: Medical Marijuana in New York and New Jersey Workers’ Compensation Claims

    August 7th, 2018  |  42 mins 3 secs
    greg lois, lois law firm llc, tashia rasul, workers' compensation

    Attorneys Tashia Rasul and Greg Lois discuss the recent case law developments in New York and New Jersey workers' compensation cases involving medical marijuana.

  • Episode 82: Do I have to pay Temporary Disability in New Jersey?

    July 23rd, 2018  |  19 mins 18 secs
    defense attorneys, lois law firm, new jersey, new york, workers' compensation

    Attorney Karen Vincent leads a presentation and discussion about when to issue temporary disability benefits in New Jersey workers' compensation claims. We discuss the waiting period, defenses to paying, and when payment can end.

  • Episode 81: Should I Pay Temporary Disability in New York?

    July 16th, 2018  |  15 mins 50 secs
    defense attorneys, lois law firm, new jersey, new york, workers' compensation

    Attorney Greg Lois leads a presentation and discussion about when to issue temporary disability benefits in New York workers' compensation claims. We discuss the waiting period, defenses to paying, and when payment can end.

  • Episode 80: Defending Jersey Claims with the Going and Coming Defense

    June 25th, 2018  |  11 mins 5 secs

    Attorney Karen Vincent presents a webinar on the Going and Coming defense in New Jersey workers' compensation claims. This is the audio from a LIVE webinar presented June 25, 2018.

  • Episode 79: The Going and Coming Defense in New York

    June 18th, 2018  |  20 mins 30 secs

    This is the audio from our June 18, 2018 webinar presentation discussing the facts of Matter of Rodriguez v New York City Tr. Auth., decided May 31, 2018, and the impact of the decision on the defense of off-premises cases in New York as well as answering questions LIVE about specific fact scenarios like this one.

  • Episode 78: Virtual Hearings in New York

    June 13th, 2018  |  19 mins 10 secs
    defense attorneys, lois law firm, new jersey, new york, workers' compensation

    New York is replacing in-person hearings with “Virtual Hearings” held via web conference. LOIS is holding two webinars led by attorneys who have handled virtual hearings in New York to discuss what this means for claims handling, claim defense, and costs. Attorneys Declan Gourley, Esq., Christian Sison, Esq., and Tashia Rasul, Esq., discuss the impact of virtual hearings in New York workers’ compensation claims.

  • Episode 77: Virtual Hearings in New York: Panel Discussion

    May 31st, 2018  |  31 mins 1 sec

    New York is replacing in-person hearings with “Virtual Hearings” held via web conference. LOIS Attorneys Declan Gourley, Esq., Christian Sison, Esq. , and Tashia Rasul, Esq., discuss the impact of virtual hearings in New York workers’ compensation claims, particularly in regards to what this means for claims handling, claim defense, and costs.

  • Episode 76: New Jersey Defense Overview: Notice, Statute of Limitations, and Others

    May 28th, 2018  |  18 mins 36 secs
    defenses, greg lois, lois law firm llc

    Attorney Greg Lois presents a webinar on "common defenses" in New Jersey.

  • Episode 75: What Virtual Hearings Mean for You

    May 22nd, 2018  |  31 mins 17 secs
    defense attorneys, lois law firm, new jersey, new york, workers' compensation

    New York is replacing in-person hearings with “Virtual Hearings” held via web conference. LOIS is holding two webinars led by attorneys who have handled virtual hearings in New York to discuss what this means for claims handling, claim defense, and costs. Attorneys Declan Gourley, Esq., Christian Sison, Esq., and Greg Lois, Esq., discuss the impact of virtual hearings in New York workers’ compensation claims.

  • Episode 74: An Uncommon Look at Common Defenses in New York Workers' Compensation Claims

    May 21st, 2018  |  25 mins 14 secs

    Attorneys Joseph Melchionne and Greg Lois discuss defenses commonly raised in New York workers' compensation cases. They discuss the defense of notice, statute of limitations, intoxication, and recreational loss among others.

  • Episode 73: Is the Petitioner an Employee? The Defense of Non-Employment in New Jersey

    April 23rd, 2018  |  21 mins 42 secs
    defenses, lois llc, new jersey, workers' compensation

    Attorneys Karen Vincent and Chris Diaz of the Lois Law Firm present a webinar on the defense of "lack of employment" in New Jersey workers' compensation claims.