Episode Archive
348 episodes of Defending Employers since the first episode, which aired on September 21st, 2015.
Episode 324: How to Handle the Various Issues and Stages of Medical Provider Claims
April 10th, 2024 | 28 mins 37 secs
law firm, legal podcast, lois law, lois law firm, new jersey law, new jersey workers compensation, new york law, new york workers compensation, workers compensation
In this episode, Greg Lois will help you learn how to effectively and efficiently handle the various issues and stages of medical provider claims.
Episode 323: The Intricate World of Workers’ Compensation Fraud
April 8th, 2024 | 50 mins 22 secs
law firm, legal podcast, lois law, lois law firm, new jersey law, new jersey workers compensation, new york law, new york workers compensation, workers compensation
Greg Lois delves into the intricate world of workers’ compensation fraud, providing legal insights and practical strategies in New York workers’ compensation.
Episode 322: Getting Creative With Global Settlements: Lien Waivers, Litigation Costs, and Clever Consent Agreements
March 18th, 2024 | 46 mins 3 secs
law firm, legal podcast, lois law, lois law firm, new jersey law, new jersey workers compensation, new york law, new york workers compensation, workers compensation
Christopher Major discusses when a case is in a position for a "global settlement," how the numbers work in both States, best practices, and how the carrier can avail itself of a clever consent agreement to settle on its terms.
Episode 321: How to Handle Various Motions That May Arise in New Jersey Workers’ Compensation Cases
March 6th, 2024 | 52 mins 32 secs
law firm, legal podcast, lois law, lois law firm, new jersey law, new jersey workers compensation, new york law, new york workers compensation, workers compensation
Greg Lois will help you learn how to effectively and efficiently handle the various motions that may arise in New Jersey workers’ compensation cases.
Episode 320: The Intricate Landscape of Wage Replacement and Disability Benefits within Workers’ Compensation
March 4th, 2024 | 58 mins 31 secs
law firm, legal podcast, lois law, lois law firm, new jersey law, new jersey workers compensation, new york law, new york workers compensation, workers compensation
Greg Lois delves into the intricate landscape of wage replacement and disability benefits within workers’ compensation.
Episode 319: Workers' Compensation vs. PIP: The Interplay Between Comp and No-Fault in New York and New Jersey
February 20th, 2024 | 36 mins 18 secs
law firm, legal podcast, lois law, lois law firm, new jersey law, new jersey workers compensation, new york law, new york workers compensation, workers compensation
Christopher Major dives into the interaction between PIP and WC benefits, the potential exposure it creates, and the rights and remedies of workers’ compensation carriers in such instances.
Episode 318: Pleadings and Discovery: Essential Steps of Litigating New Jersey Workers’ Compensation Law
February 7th, 2024 | 47 mins 36 secs
law firm, legal podcast, lois law, lois law firm, new jersey law, new jersey workers compensation, new york law, new york workers compensation, workers compensation
Learn how to effectively and efficiently handle the various pleadings and discovery tools that are available in New Jersey workers’ compensation cases.
Episode 317: Critical Medical Considerations Within the Realm of New York Workers’ Compensation
February 5th, 2024 | 57 mins 50 secs
law firm, legal podcast, lois law, lois law firm, new jersey law, new jersey workers compensation, new york law, new york workers compensation, workers compensation
Greg Lois focuses on critical medical considerations within the realm of workers’ compensation. Whether you’re an attorney, claims adjuster, or employer, this course equips you with essential knowledge to handle medical aspects effectively.
Episode 316: What Happens When the Employer is Sued Civilly?
January 16th, 2024 | 35 mins 47 secs
law firm, legal podcast, lois law, lois law firm, new jersey law, new jersey workers compensation, new york law, new york workers compensation, workers compensation
Christopher Major explores the types of situations where the insured ends up in civil litigation for a work-related accident, and what the best practices are when that happens.
Episode 315: The Fascinating World of New Jersey Workers’ Compensation Defense Strategies
January 10th, 2024 | 35 mins 2 secs
law firm, legal podcast, lois law, lois law firm, new jersey law, new jersey workers compensation, new york law, new york workers compensation, workers compensation
Greg Lois dives into the fascinating world of New Jersey Workers’ Compensation Defense Strategies.
Episode 314: Critical Decisions and Procedural Aspects of New York Workers’ Compensation
January 8th, 2024 | 47 mins 58 secs
law firm, legal podcast, lois law, lois law firm, new jersey law, new jersey workers compensation, new york law, new york workers compensation, workers compensation
This episode delves into the intricate world of Workers’ Compensation, focusing on critical decisions and procedural aspects.
Episode 313: 2023 Year in Review of New York Workers’ Compensation Case Law
December 18th, 2023 | 30 mins 54 secs
law firm, legal podcast, lois law, lois law firm, new jersey law, new jersey workers compensation, new york law, new york workers compensation, workers compensation
Greg looks back to review and explain important case-law decisions, regulatory changes, and statutory updates that impact the handling and defense of NY workers’ compensation cases.