About the show
This is the audio feed from Lois Law Firm’s popular webinar training series. Every month the Firm’s attorneys present different topics in workers’ compensation. Meant as a 101 level training course, the attorneys present a fresh take on common issues in workers’ compensation defense.
Special Reports and Presentations: When emerging legal issues arise that impact employers, Lois Law Firm publishes special presentations. These special events, hosted by attorneys and presented in plain English, make the emergent changes understandable for business owners, insurance carriers, and other attorneys.
DISCLAIMER: This podcast is not legal advice! The materials presented by this podcast and any affiliated website are for informational purposes only and are not offered as legal advice as to any particular matter. No reader should act on the basis of these materials without seeking appropriate professional advice as to the particular facts and applicable law involved. The materials are not represented to be correct, complete, or up-to-date. Opinions presented by this podcast are the opinions of the author. Neither the use of this web site nor the transfer of information to or from this web site shall create or constitute an attorney-client relationship between Greg Lois or LOIS Law Firm LLC and any person. You should not send any confidential information to this web site until after you have entered into a written agreement for the performance of legal services.
Defending Employers on social media
Episode 336: Litigating Medical Provider Claims in New Jersey
August 7th, 2024 | 36 mins 12 secs
law firm, legal podcast, lois law, lois law firm, new jersey law, new jersey workers compensation, new york law, new york workers compensation, workers compensation
In this episode, Greg Lois will help you learn how to effectively handle various stages of medical provider claims.
Episode 335: The Intersection of Workers’ Compensation and the Medicare Secondary Payer Act (MSP)
August 5th, 2024 | 41 mins 10 secs
law firm, legal podcast, lois law, lois law firm, new jersey law, new jersey workers compensation, new york law, new york workers compensation, workers compensation
Explore the intersection of workers’ compensation and the Medicare Secondary Payer Act (MSP), focusing on compliance, legal implications, and practical strategies.
Episode 334: Reducing Exposure: Section 29 in New York
July 22nd, 2024 | 33 mins 12 secs
law firm, legal podcast, lois law, lois law firm, new jersey law, new jersey workers compensation, new york law, new york workers compensation, workers compensation
Greg Lois will boil down the complex issue of subrogation into the basics!
Episode 333: Ethics in New Jersey Workers' Compensation
July 17th, 2024 | 25 mins 13 secs
law firm, legal podcast, lois law, lois law firm, new jersey law, new jersey workers compensation, new york law, new york workers compensation, workers compensation
This episode focuses on the ethical issues for respondent’s counsel in a New Jersey Workers’ Compensation Case.
Episode 332: An Understanding of Workers’ Compensation System for Permanent Residual Disability
July 15th, 2024 | 43 mins 11 secs
law firm, legal podcast, lois law, lois law firm, new jersey law, new jersey workers compensation, new york law, new york workers compensation, workers compensation
Medical insights with legal perspectives, providing a comprehensive understanding of workers’ compensation award for permanent residual disability
Episode 331: The Powerful Consent Requirement in NY and Third-Party Settlement Consent Best Practices
June 17th, 2024 | 36 mins 10 secs
law firm, legal podcast, lois law, lois law firm, new jersey law, new jersey workers compensation, new york law, new york workers compensation, workers compensation
Section 29(5) has an explicit written consent requirement. In this episode, Greg Lois goes over how to weaponize this powerful leverage in the context of your case.
Episode 330: The Intricacies of Evaluating Exposure in New Jersey Workers’ Compensation Cases
June 5th, 2024 | 44 mins 21 secs
law firm, legal podcast, lois law, lois law firm, new jersey law, new jersey workers compensation, new york law, new york workers compensation, workers compensation
Gain valuable insights into the legal framework, case law, and practical strategies essential for assessing risk and exposure accurately.
Episode 329: An Understanding of Workers’ Compensation System for Compensating Schedule Loss of Use
June 3rd, 2024 | 45 mins 37 secs
law firm, legal podcast, lois law, lois law firm, new jersey law, new jersey workers compensation, new york law, new york workers compensation, workers compensation
Greg Lois provides a comprehensive understanding of workers’ compensation system for compensating Schedule Loss of Us.
Episode 328: No Double Recovery! Practical Advice for Avoiding Reimbursement Pitfalls
May 20th, 2024 | 42 mins 7 secs
law firm, legal podcast, lois law, lois law firm, new jersey law, new jersey workers compensation, new york law, new york workers compensation, workers compensation
Greg Lois breaks down how the numbers work for each of the rights under Section 29 and Section 40, and what that means for your exposure and reserves.
Episode 327: Pretrial Conferences, Trials, and Appeals in New Jersey Workers’ Compensation Cases
May 8th, 2024 | 40 mins 54 secs
law firm, legal podcast, lois law, lois law firm, new jersey law, new jersey workers compensation, new york law, new york workers compensation, workers compensation
How to handle the various aspects of pretrial conferences, trials, and appeals in New Jersey workers’ compensation cases.
Episode 326: A Thorough Understanding of Legal Procedures Within the Workers’ Compensation System
May 6th, 2024 | 36 mins 47 secs
law firm, legal podcast, lois law, lois law firm, new jersey law, new jersey workers compensation, new york law, new york workers compensation, workers compensation
In this episode, Greg Lois provides a thorough understanding of legal procedures within the workers’ compensation system.
Episode 325: Practical Advice for What to Do with HIMP-1 Demands
April 17th, 2024 | 35 mins 39 secs
law firm, legal podcast, lois law, lois law firm, new jersey law, new jersey workers compensation, new york law, new york workers compensation, workers compensation
Christopher Major will address what to do with bulk submissions, what objections you can use as leverage, how to evaluate a HIMP and posture for settlement, and when litigation is recommended.