About the show
This is the audio feed from Lois Law Firm’s popular webinar training series. Every month the Firm’s attorneys present different topics in workers’ compensation. Meant as a 101 level training course, the attorneys present a fresh take on common issues in workers’ compensation defense.
Special Reports and Presentations: When emerging legal issues arise that impact employers, Lois Law Firm publishes special presentations. These special events, hosted by attorneys and presented in plain English, make the emergent changes understandable for business owners, insurance carriers, and other attorneys.
DISCLAIMER: This podcast is not legal advice! The materials presented by this podcast and any affiliated website are for informational purposes only and are not offered as legal advice as to any particular matter. No reader should act on the basis of these materials without seeking appropriate professional advice as to the particular facts and applicable law involved. The materials are not represented to be correct, complete, or up-to-date. Opinions presented by this podcast are the opinions of the author. Neither the use of this web site nor the transfer of information to or from this web site shall create or constitute an attorney-client relationship between Greg Lois or LOIS Law Firm LLC and any person. You should not send any confidential information to this web site until after you have entered into a written agreement for the performance of legal services.
Defending Employers on social media
Episode 204: Medical Treatment in New York Workers' Compensation Cases: 2021 Update
August 16th, 2021 | 26 mins 58 secs
defense attorneys, lois law firm, new jersey, new york, workers' compensation
Attorney Greg Lois leads a discussion on how medical treatment is changing in the world of New York workers' compensation. In this episode, Lois discusses the "Onboard Limited Release" program, the new Medical Treatment Guidelines, medicinal marijuana in New York workers' compensation cases, and other timely topics. This audio was recorded live on August 16, 2021 during client training.
Episode 203: The Carrier's Rights Under Kelly, Burns & Bissell
August 9th, 2021 | 27 mins 46 secs
defense attorneys, lois law firm, new jersey, new york, workers' compensation
In this episode, Attorney Chris Major leads a discussion on the carriers reimbursement and subrogation rights in New York workers' compensation cases.
Episode 202: Coordinating Multijurisdictional Construction Litigation Using Milestones
August 2nd, 2021 | 43 mins 30 secs
defense attorneys, lois law firm, new jersey, new york, workers' compensation
Tashia Rasul leads a discussion and answers questions about using litigation milestones to coordinate counsel representing construction entities in actions pending in civil court and workers’ compensation court at the same time.
Episode 201: How NOT TO Defend a Wage Reconstruction Case in New Jersey
July 26th, 2021 | 23 mins 17 secs
defense attorneys, lois law firm, new jersey, new york, workers' compensation
Greg Lois discusses wage reconstruction in New Jersey workers’ compensation cases.
Episode 200: Defenses to Temporary Disability & Update on Labor Market attachment in New York
July 19th, 2021 | 29 mins 26 secs
defense attorneys, lois law firm, new jersey, new york, workers' compensation
Greg Lois provides an overview and answers questions about defenses to temporary disability and provides an update on Labor Market Attachment as a defense in New York Workers' Compensation claims.
Episode 199: "Liening" Over State Lines: Multi-jurisdictional Issues in workers' Compensation Subrogation
July 12th, 2021 | 15 mins 17 secs
defense attorneys, lois law firm, new jersey, new york, workers' compensation
What happens when your employee gets injured by a tortfeasor while in another state? Does the employer/carrier have the ability to assert a demand for reimbursement of the worker's compensation cost against the party residing in another state? How does the employer/carrier maximize its recovery?
Episode 198: Legal Issues in Coordinating Multijurisdictional Defense
July 7th, 2021 | 32 mins 36 secs
defense attorneys, lois law firm, new jersey, new york, workers' compensation
In this episode, Tashia Rasul, Construction Defense Practice Team Leader at LOIS, discusses how employers can navigate legal issues in cross-jurisdictional construction accident cases. This audio is taken from a live client training provided on July 6, 2021.
Episode 197: Off Premises Injuries in New Jersey
June 28th, 2021 | 21 mins 53 secs
defense attorneys, lois law firm, new jersey, new york, workers' compensation
Greg Lois leads a presentation on practical and legal aspects of defending off-premises injuries in New Jersey workers’ compensation cases.
Episode 196: The Grey Area Rule
June 21st, 2021 | 23 mins 21 secs
defense attorneys, lois law firm, new jersey, new york, workers' compensation
In this episode, "The Grey Area Rule," Greg Lois explores New York’s “Grey Area” rule regarding off-premises injuries.
Episode 195: Workers' Compensation Exclusivity and Coverage Issues
June 15th, 2021 | 16 mins 6 secs
defense attorneys, lois law firm, new jersey, new york, workers' compensation
In this episode, attorney Chris Major discusses "Part B" coverage in the workers' compensation context. Recorded live during client training on June 14, 2021.
Episode 194: Responding to the Loss: Construction Defense
June 9th, 2021 | 22 mins 31 secs
defense attorneys, lois law firm, new jersey, new york, workers' compensation
Tashia Rasul, partner at Lois Law Firm, discusses how the immediate post-accident onsite investigation is key to defense of the claim. Where there is injury involving fall from height, an immediate investigation MUST be conducted to preserve evidence and document witness statements.
Episode 193: Coronavirus (COVID-19), Medical Marijuana and Medical Provider Claims: New Jersey Update
May 24th, 2021 | 20 mins 56 secs
defense attorneys, lois law firm, new jersey, new york, workers' compensation
Greg discusses the following: Compensability Examples,* Jurisdictional Standards of Proof, Medicinal Marijuana Ruling Impact on Jersey Claims and Medical Provider Claims Jurisdictional Update